Privacy Policy

Information regarding the privacy of personal data (video surveillance) 

According to EU regulation 679/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, SC QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L. is a data operator. Contact data of SC QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L., social headquarters: Brasov, Roșiorilor Street, No. 27, room 2, Brasov County, e-mail:, tel: 0751 230 230.


QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L., collects and processes video records, respectively images, with the video surveillance system, in order to monitor the access in the accommodation unit, to ensure the security of accommodation spaces, of the goods and values of the company, as well as the safety of the persons in the accommodation unit, in order to fight crime. Video surveillance is used only if the conventional methods are considerably less effective in achieving the previously mentioned goals, according to the risk analysis of physical security. SC QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L. does not process the personal data obtained with video surveillance for personal gain, moreover, the video surveillance system is not used for monitoring employees or business partners’ activities, nor is it used for employees clocking. The video surveillance system was installed after a series of risk analyses of physical security:

  • Access areas and public spaces;
  • Staff only areas;
  • Building surroundings for the protection of exterior areas;
  • Storage areas and maneuvering of documents support areas.

Areas in which the expectancy of private life is high, are not monitored, as such: toilets, showers, or other similar areas. In case of a legitimate interest of QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L. (justified in an adequate way) and only after the execution of an impact assessment (according to the regulation 679/2016 and Decision nr. 174/2018 of National Authority For the Supervisory of Personal Data Processing), video cameras are/can be installed in other areas. In this case, in the monitored area, a notice sign must be installed as well.


Data is legally processed, according to Law nr 333/2003, regarding the security of objectives, goods, and values, the safety of persons, and norms of application of said law:

  • Decision nr. 301 of 11 April 2012, for the approval of Methodological Norms of Law nr 333/2003 regarding the security of objectives, goods and values, and safety of persons.
  • EU Regulation 679/2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to personal data processing.
  • Law nr 190/2018 regarding norms of application of UE Regulation 679/2016 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to personal data processing.
  • Decision nr 174/2018 of The National Supervisory Authority For Personal Data Processing, regarding the list of operations for which it is mandatory the execution of an impact assessment regarding the protection of personal data.


To the extent permitted by law, for the fulfillment of our contractual obligations, as well as our law obligations, we can give access to the video records to a national authority (at the request of the criminal investigation department or at the request of Law Court).


Collected data are kept in digital form, and for their protection, there are a series of technical and organizational measures being implemented:

  • Video time storage limitations according to the law.
  • Restricted access to the storage area where the video DVDs are stored.
  • Limited access to the real-time footage for employees and guard agents.
  • Restricted access to the video records. Only the system administrator (named by QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L), can give, modify or cancel the user’s access.
  • Training regarding the requirements regarding data confidentiality and agreement of confidentiality for the persons (employees of QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L., or authorized persons) who can watch the real-time footage or have access to the video records.
  • Contractual assurance, or via agreements, that the authorized persons implement technical and organizational measures regarding data protection.


Collected personal data are stored in areas and on equipment found within QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L. Storage duration is applied according to the law (30 days), after which the video records are automatically deleted in the order they were recorded. In case of a security incident or a registered demand from a data subject, storage duration can exceed the normal limits, depending on the required time of investigation of the security incident or settlement of the registered demand (at the request of the criminal investigation department or at the request of Law Court). 


According to the EU Regulation 679/2016, you have the right to:

  • information about the processing of your personal data;
  • obtain from QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L., a confirmation whether or not to process your personal data, and if so, access to the data;
  • rectification of your personal data;
  • deletion of your personal data, or restriction of their processing, excluding some exceptions.
  • Oppose the processing of your data, excluding some exceptions.

If you wish to make a request in the basis of the EU Regulation 679/2016, for an effective response, you will need to provide us with your identity (full name, identification data) and indications regarding the information you are requiring. In case you require access to the video records regarding yourself, we can either grant access to the requested video, or we can send you a copy. The access request must specify a date, hour, location for the required video record. The video record granted by your request depends on the technical terms, conditions in which the video was recorded, and on other persons’ rights in case they appear in the video (the videos in which other persons appear, will be edited so that they won’t be identifiable). For the protection of other person’s rights and freedom, the granted access can be restricted. If you are dissatisfied with the way in which we process your personal data, you have the right to contact the authorized person who deals with personal data protection at QOSMO S.R.L., e-mail:, address: Brasov, Turnului, nr. 5, Brasov County, tel: 0751 230 230, or you can file a complaint at National Authority For the Supervisory of Personal Data Processing,


Considering the possibility of a new resolution regarding personal data processing, given the fact that the laws regarding the protection of personal data and the recommendations of the Authority for the Supervisory of Personal Data Processing are changing and upgrading, it is possible that this information regarding data confidentiality to also change. We reserve the right to modify anytime for any reason and without notification, this document of information. Any modification of information, regarding confidentiality, will be available for consulting at the Compliance Department and displayed at our headquarters: Qosmo Hotel, Brasov, Turnului 5, Brasov County.


If you have questions regarding your personal data, if you wish to exercise your rights or if you have any concerns or complaints about the way we are processing your personal data, please contact the person responsible with Data Protection at e-mail: :

Informare privind confidenţialitatea datelor cu caracter personal (supraveghere video)

Conform Regulamentului (UE) 679/2016 privind protecţia persoanelor fizice în ceea ce priveşte prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal, QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L. este un operator de date.

Datele de contact ale QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L., sediul social: mun. Brașov, Turnului nr.5, jud. Brașov, e-mail:, tel.: 0751 230 230.


QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L., prin intermediul sistemelor de supraveghere video, colectează și prelucrează înregistrări video, respectiv imaginea, în scopul monitorizării accesului persoanelor în unitatea de cazare, al asigurării securității spațiilor, bunurilor și valorilor  societății, precum și al siguranței persoanelor aflate în unitatea de cazare, în vederea combaterii infracționalității.

Supravegherea prin mijloace video se utilizează doar în situaţia în care mijloacele convenţionale aplicate sunt considerabil mai puţin eficiente în realizarea obiectivelor menţionate, conform analizei de risc la securitate fizică, efectuată.

QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L. nu prelucrează în scop privat datele cu caracter personal rezultate în urma monitorizării video, iar sistemul de supraveghere nu este utilizat pentru monitorizarea activităţii angajaţilor, colaboratorilor sau pentru pontajul angajaţilor.

Sistemul video existent a fost instalat în urma unor analize de risc la securitate fizică:

  • zone de acces şi spaţii destinate publicului;
  • zone cu acces restricţionat (staff only);
  • împrejurimile clădirilor pentru a proteja spaţiile exterioare;
  • locurile de păstrare, depozitare şi manipulare a suporturilor de stocare a documentelor.

Nu sunt monitorizate zone în care există un nivel ridicat al aşteptărilor privind viaţa privată, precum: toalete, cabine de duș sau alte locaţii similare.

În cazul în care există un interes legitim al QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L. (justificat într-un mod corespunzător) şi doar după efectuarea unei evaluări de impact (conform cerințelor Regulamentului 679/2016 și Deciziei nr.174/2018 a Autorităţii Naţionale de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal) sunt/pot fi instalate camere şi în alte zone. În astfel de cazuri, în zona monitorizată este amplasat un anunţ care precizează acest lucru.


Informaţiile sunt prelucrate în mod legal, în conformitate cu:

Legea nr.333/2003 privind paza obiectivelor, bunurilor, valorilor și protecția persoanelor și normele de aplicare ale acesteia;

  • Hotărârea nr. 301 din 11 aprilie 2012 pentru aprobarea Normelor Metodologice a Legii nr.333/2003 privind paza obiectivelor, bunurilor, valorilor si protecția persoanelor;
  • Regulamentul (UE) 679/2016 privind protecţia persoanelor fizice în ceea ce priveşte prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal;
  • Legea nr.190/2018 privind măsuri de punere în aplicare a Regulamentului (UE) 2016/679 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 27 aprilie 2016 privind protecția persoanelor fizice în ceea ce privește prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal;
  • Decizia nr.174/2018 a Autorităţii Naţionale de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal – ANSPDCP privind lista operaţiunilor pentru care este obligatorie realizarea evaluării impactului asupra protecţiei datelor cu caracter personal.


În măsura permisă de legislaţie privind protecţia datelor, pentru a ne îndeplini obligaţiile contractuale și legale putem transmite sau permite accesul la imaginile înregistrate unor autorităţi naţionale (la solicitarea organelor de cercetare penală sau la solicitarea instanțelor de judecată).


Informaţiile colectate sunt păstrate în formă electronică, iar pentru protecţia acestora sunt implementate următoarele măsuri tehnice şi organizatorice:

  • limitarea timpului de stocare a imaginilor conform cerinţelor legale;
  • acces fizic restricţionat la spaţiile unde se află mediile de stocare (DVR-urile) pe care se stochează imaginile înregistrate;
  • limitarea accesului la imaginile care se derulează în timp real la angajaţii / agenţii desemnaţi să desfăşoare activitatea de pază;
  • control acces  la înregistrări. Doar administratorul de sistem (numit de către QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L.) are dreptul de a acorda, modifica sau anula dreptul de acces al utilizatorilor;
  • instruire privind cerinţele legate de confidenţialitatea datelor și acorduri de confidenţialitate pentru persoanele (angajaţi ai QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L. sau ai persoanelor împuternicite) care vizualizează imaginile care se derulează în timp real sau au acces la imaginile înregistrate;
  • asigurarea contractuală sau prin acorduri, că persoanele împuternicite folosite implementează măsuri tehnice și organizatorice de protecţie a datelor.


Datele cu caracter personal colectate sunt stocate în spaţii și pe echipamente situate în cadrul QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L. Durata de stocare este în conformitate cu cerinţele legale (30 de zile), după acest interval imaginile ştergându-se automat în ordinea în care au fost înregistrate. În cazul producerii unui incident de securitate sau a înregistrării unei solicitări întemeiate a unei persoane vizate, durata de stocare a imaginilor poate depăşi limitele normale în funcţie de timpul necesar investigării suplimentare a incidentului de securitate sau de soluţionare a solicitării primite (la solicitarea organelor de cercetare penală sau la solicitarea instanțelor de judecată).


Conform Regulamentului (UE) 679/2016 aveţi următoarele drepturi:

  • dreptul la informare. Aveți dreptul să primiți informații despre cum și de ce prelucrăm datele dumneavoastră personale;
  • dreptul de a obţine din partea QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L. o confirmare că se prelucrează sau nu date cu caracter personal care vă privesc şi, în caz afirmativ, acces la datele respective;
  • dreptul de rectificare a datelor cu caracter personal care vă privesc;
  • dreptul de ştergere a datelor cu caracter personal care vă privesc, sau de restricţionare a prelucrării, sub rezerva anumitor excepții;
  • dreptul de a vă opune prelucrărilor, sub rezerva anumitor excepții.

Dacă doriţi să faceţi o solicitare în temeiul Regulamentului (UE) 679/2016, pentru a vă putea răspunde într-un mod eficient va trebui să ne furnizați identitatea dumneavoastră (nume complet, date identificare) și indicații privind informațiile pe care le solicitați.

În cazul solicitării de acces la imagini înregistrate care vă privesc, soluționarea cererii se poate face prin acordarea accesului la înregistrarea solicitată sau prin transmiterea unei copii a acesteia. Cererea de acces trebuie să menţioneze data, ora, locaţia pentru care se dorește acces la înregistrarea camerei de supraveghere.

Înregistrarea furnizată în cazul solicitării de acces depinde de condiţiile tehnice de înregistrare, de condiţiile în care a avut loc preluarea imaginilor și de drepturile altor persoane care pot apărea în înregistrare (imaginile în care apar alte persoane vor fi editate astfel încât să nu fie posibilă recunoaşterea/identificarea lor). Este posibilă restricţionarea accesului pentru protejarea drepturilor şi libertăţilor altor persoane (de exemplu dacă în imagini apar şi alte persoane şi nu există posibilitatea de a obţine consimţământul lor, sau imaginile acestora nu se pot edita).

Dacă aveţi nemulţumiri legate de modul în care prelucrăm datele dumneavoastră cu caracter personal aveţi dreptul de a contacta responsabilul cu protecția datelor cu caracter personal din cadrul QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L., email: office@qosmohotels.comadresa: mun. Brașov, Turnului nr.5, jud. Brașov, telefon: 0751 230 230 sau să depuneți o plângere la Autoritatea Naţională de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal,


Având în vedere posibilitatea identificării unor noi prelucrări de date de natură personală, faptul că legile privind protecţia datelor cu  caracter personal și recomandările autorităţii de supraveghere se schimbă și se îmbunătăţesc periodic este posibil ca această informare privind confidenţialitatea datelor să se schimbe și ea. Ne rezervăm dreptul de a modifica în orice moment, din orice motiv și fară notificare, acest document de informare. Orice modificare a informării privind confidenţialitatea va fi disponibilă pentru consultare la Departamentul Compliance și afișată la punctul de lucru: Hotel QOSMO, mun. Brașov, Turnului 5, jud. Brașov. 


Dacă aveţi întrebări cu privire la datele dumneavoastră personale, dacă doriti să vă exercitaţi drepturile sau aveti nelămuriri sau reclamaţii legate de modul în care gestionăm datele cu caracter personal vă rugăm să contactaţi Responsabilul de Protecţia Datelor la adresa de e-mail:



What is a “cookie”?
An “Internet cookie” (a term known as “browser cookie” or “HTTP cookie” or simply “cookie”) is a small file consisting of letters and numbers that will be stored on your computer, handheld or other equipment from a user that is accessing the Internet.
The cookie is installed by request issued by a server to a web browser (eg Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) and is completely “passive” (doesn’t contain software viruses or spyware and can not access information on the user’s hard drive).
A cookie consists of 2 parts: the name and the content or cookie value. Moreover, the life of a cookie is determined; technically, only the web server that sent the cookie can access it again when the user returns to the webserver respectively associated website.
Cookies themselves do not require personal information to be used and, in most cases, don’t personally identify Internet users.

• There are two broad types of cookies:
– Session Cookies – these are temporarily stored in the cookies file of your Web browser for it to store them until the user exits the website in question or closes the browser window (eg when logging in / logging out a webmail account or social networks).
– Persistent Cookies – these are stored on the hard drive of a computer or device (and generally depend on the default cookie lifetime). Persistent cookies include those placed from another website than the current one visited by the user at the time – known as “third party cookies (cookies placed by third parties) – which can be used anonymously to store a user’s interests so that relevant advertising would be delivered to users.
What are the advantages of cookies?
A cookie contains information linking a web-browser (the user) and a specific web server (website). If a web browser accesses the server again, it can read the information already stored and react accordingly.
Cookies provide users an enjoyable experience browsing various websites and support efforts to provide comfortable services to users: eg – online privacy preferences, language options on the website, or relevant advertising.
What are cookies placed by third parties?
Certain sections of content from some sites may be provided by third parties/suppliers (eg news box, a video or advertisement). These third parties may also place cookies through the site and are called “third party cookies” because they are not placed by the owner of the website in question. Third-party suppliers must also comply with the applicable law and the privacy policies of the website owner.
How cookies are used by this site
Visiting this site may place cookies for the following purposes:
– language setting Cookies, in which site accessing is desired (Romanian or English)
– Cookies to store URLs
– Cookies of carousel

What type of information is stored and accessed via cookies?
Cookies retain information in a small text file that allows a website to recognize a browser. The web browser will recognize until the cookie expires or is deleted. The cookie stores important information that enhances the Internet browsing experience (eg, language settings where a site accessing is desired, keeping a user logged into webmail accounts, online banking security, preservation of products in the shopping cart, etc).
Why are Internet cookies important?
Cookies are central to the effective functioning of the Internet, helping to generate a friendly navigation experience and adapting to each user’s preferences and interests. Refusal or disabling cookies may make some sites impossible to use.
Refusal or disabling cookies does not mean you will no longer receive online advertising – but it will not be able to recognize your preferences and interests evidenced by browsing behavior.

Examples of important cookies use (which does not require user authentication through an account):
– Tailored content and services to user preferences – categories of news, weather, sports, maps, public services and government, entertainment sites, and travel services.
– Offers tailored to the users’ interests- retaining passwords, language preferences (eg displaying the search results căuărilor in a specific language).
– Withholding filters to protect children on the Internet content (family mode options, Safe Search functions).
– Limiting commercials broadcast frequency – limiting the number of display times of an advertisement for a particular user on a website.
– Providing more relevant advertising to the user.
– Measurement, optimization, and analytics features – such as confirming a certain level of traffic to a website, what type of content is viewed, and how a user arrives on a website (eg. By search engines, directly, from other websites etc). Websites run these analyses of their use to improve the sites for the users’ benefit.

Cookies are not viruses! They use plain text format type. There are composed of pieces of code so that they can not be executed or auto-run. Therefore, you can not duplicate or replicate on other networks to run or replicate again. Because they can not perform these functions, cookies can not be considered viruses.
Cookies can still be used for negative purposes. Since they store information about users’ preferences and browsing history, both on a particular site and on several other sites, cookies can be used as a form of Spyware. Many anti-spyware products are aware of this fact and constantly mark the cookies to be deleted within removing/scanning anti-virus / anti-spyware proceedings.
Usually, browsers have privacy settings integrated that provide different levels of cookies acceptance, validity period, and automatic deletion after the user has visited a particular site.
Other cookies related security issues
Because identity protection is very valuable and is the right of every internet user, you should be aware of what problems cookies can create. Because through them information is constantly transmitted in both directions between the browser and the website, if an attacker or unauthorized person intervenes during data transmission, the information contained in the cookie can be intercepted. Although rare, this can happen if the browser connects to the server using an unencrypted network (eg, an unsecured WiFi network).
Other attacks imply wrong cookies settings on servers. If a website does not require the browser to use only encrypted channels, attackers can use this vulnerability to trick browsers into sending information through insecure channels. The attackers then use the information for the purposes of accessing certain sites unauthorized. It is very important to be careful in choosing the most suitable method to protect personal information.

Tips for safe and responsible navigation based on cookies.

Due to their flexibility and the fact that the majority of the most visited and the largest sites use cookies, they are almost inevitable. Disabling cookies will not allow the user access to the most widely used sites such as Youtube, Gmail, Yahoo, and others.
• Here are some tips that can ensure carefree browsing using cookies:
– Customize your browser settings regarding cookies to reflect a comfortable level of security for you.
– If you do not mind cookies and you are the only person who uses the computer, you can set the timeout for long-term storage and personal data browsing history access.
– If you share access to your computer, you can consider your browser setting to delete individual data navigation whenever you close the browser. This is an option to access sites that place cookies and delete any browsing information from visitors at the end of the session.
– Install and constantly update your anti-spyware applications.

Many of the applications to detect and prevent spyware include detecting attacks on sites.
This prevents the browser from accessing websites that could exploit browser vulnerabilities or download malicious software. Make sure you always updated the browser. Many cookie-based attacks are achieved by exploiting the weaknesses of old browsers versions.
Cookies are everywhere and can not be avoided if you want to enjoy the best and the biggest sites on the Internet – local or international. With a clear understanding of how they operate and the benefits they bring, you can take the necessary security measures so that you can surf the Internet with confidence.

How do I turn off cookies?
Disabling and refusal to accept cookies can make specific sites visited impracticable or difficult to use. Also, refusing to accept cookies does not mean you will not receive/view online advertising.
You can set your browser so that cookies are no longer supported or you can set your browser to accept cookies from a particular site. But for example, if you are not registered as cookies using participant, you can not leave comments.
All modern browsers offer the possibility to change cookie settings. These settings are usually the “options” menu or “preferences” of your browser.
• To understand these settings, the following links may be useful, otherwise you can use the “help” option of your browser for more details.
– Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
– Cookie settings in Firefox
– Cookie settings in Chrome
– Cookie settings in Safari
For settings generated by third-party cookies, you can review the website where you will find more privacy information related to online advertising.